Tackling the causes and consequences of homelessness
The Cyrenians OPAL (Older People Active Lives) service aims to improve older people’s independence and well-being across the West Lothian area.
They work with anyone of age 60+ looking to re-connect socially, either on a one-to-one basis or in a group setting. During the Covid crisis, they offer video meetings, phone and letter writing services as a means of connecting. They plan to reintroduce regular groups and one-to-one visits as soon as it’s safe to do so.
Web: https://cyrenians.scot | Email: opal@cyrenians.scot | Tel: 01506 815 815
Victim Support West Lothian
A free, confidential & independent service to all victims of reported or unreported crime & those affected by crime. They can give emotional and practical help, info about the Criminal Justice System and support at court. They can provide information on other sources of help & assistance on Criminal Injuries Compensation claims.
Tel: 0800 160 1985 | Web chat (via website): www.victimsupport.scot
WLWA provide safe, temporary accommodation to women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.
The charity works closely with West Lothian Council and Scottish Women’s Aid as well as a number of other organisations which you can find more information on here.
Tel: 01506 413 721
(Monday to Friday)
Email: info@wlwa.org.uk
Sometimes our thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us. It helps to get some Breathing Space. Pick up the phone – we’re here to listen.
Tel: 0800 83 85 87
West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service (WLDAS) is a 3rd sector organisation that was set up in 1985 to provide high quality, evidenced based, accessible services aimed at reducing the harm caused by drugs, alcohol and tobacco to West Lothian residents and communities.
First Floor, The Almondbank Centre,
Craigshill, Livingston EH54 5EH
Tel: 01506 430 225 | Email:enquiries@wldas.org | www.wldas.com
Support for Domestic and Sexual Abuse
The council’s Domestic and Sexual Assault Team provides a specialised service to women and children in West Lothian who are experiencing, or have experienced, domestic and/or sexual abuse.
Please call us on 01506 281 055 or email dasat@westlothian.gov.uk for confidential and friendly support.
Carers of West Lothian is a voluntary organisation that provides information, support and advice to unpaid carers (i.e. its not your job) caring for a family member, friend or neighbour who could not manage without your help. They may require help due to illness, disability, frailty, mental ill health or addiction issue.
Carers of West Lothian Bulletin
Tel: 01506 448000 | Email: office@carers-westlothian.com
West Lothian Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, impartial and confidential advice to West Lothian. They deliver support and guidance on a range of topics, giving people the information they need to deal with any situation and improve their lives.
Every year West Lothian Citizens Advice Bureau works with 6500 clients and helps resolve 12500 issues. As a registered charity, they rely on donations and the work of their volunteers to continue to provide these important services.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the bureau has had to temporarily suspend its face to face service but they are still here to help the public. You can access their services in the following ways:
Phone: 01506 432977 (Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm)
e-mail: enquiries@cabwestlothian.casonline.org.uk
Text: 07712 305764