Today is national Power of Attorney day – People across Scotland are being urged to arrange power of attorney (POA) in a bid to prote ct their wishes in the event of serious illness or accident.
There may come a point in all our lives when we have to help and support others such as elderly relatives, or receive help and support ourselves. But what if, due to accident or illness, the person needing support has lost capacity? Many people think their next of kin or family member will automatically be able to do this – wrong! Decisions can only be taken on behalf of another person, if they have Power of Attorney (POA) in place.
POA is a legal document which gives someone else authority make decisions on your behalf. POA is not just about looking after your financial affairs. It also allows you to choose who should decide personal welfare issues (e.g. where you live/who looks after you etc).
Do you have one?
It’s for people like you, it’s for anyone over 16: visit
“I would advise everyone to get their power of attorney organised early. It’s like a will, everyone needs one.”
Want to know more? Visit
Some people may be eligible for a free service.
Some facts about Power of Attorney you might not be aware of:
- Did you know that you don’t need to choose a family member for a Power of Attorney? You can actually give it to anyone that you trust, such as a close friend or someone that you have known for a long time. For more information, visit
- You may not realise how important a Power of Attorney can be until it is too late. Not having a Power of Attorney can make it difficult for people and their families to access finances and access proper health care. For more information, visit
- Think you don’t need Power of Attorney as you’ve got a will. Sorry, but a will is for after you’re gone and Power of Attorney looks after you while you’re still here. Want to know more? Go to
- Nobody likes to think of a time when they can’t make decisions for themselves. Setting up your Power of Attorney is pretty easy and can be indispensable during difficult times. Start the conversation, talk to your partners, friends, family – those that matter, visit
- Power of Attorney ensures your financial affairs and personal welfare can still be dealt with in the event of you being unable to. To find out more about Power of Attorney, or for information on how to start the process, head over to
- Unless you have a Power of Attorney already, loved ones would need to apply through court, which can be long and costly.
“It just felt too hard trying to get people to listen to me as my mum’s voice. We had left it all too late“.
To find out more about Power of Attorney, visit - Looking after someone who has lost their mental capacity is hard enough, doing so without the benefit of a Power of Attorney is bound to be more difficult, as you don’t have the legal authority to deal with their affairs properly. Want to know more? Visit
- Anyone over 16 years of age can grant a Power of Attorney to their chosen person. Accidents or illness can happen at any stage; the sooner PoA is completed, the better. Visit
- No one has the automatic right to act for you or make decisions on your behalf – you must have a legal document appointing your chosen person. No legal doc? No legal authority to act. Visit